Thursday, March 31, 2005

Friday Favorite: Creating Passionate Users

I'm simply mad about Creating Passionate Users.

A teamblog effort by the the authors of O'Reilly's Head First Books, the authors describe themselves as
[P]assionate about the brain and metacognition, most especially—how the brain works and how to exploit it for better learning and memory. Oh yeah, and how to recognize when someone else (including one of us) is applying brain-based techniques to get you to do something.
Team captain, the fabulous Kathy Sierra, explains more about CPU in its first post:
Our passion is the brain, but we'll talk about the core elements we believe you need to inspire customers/users including lessons learned from cognitive science, psychology, video/computer game design, entertainment (Hollywood), and yes, even advertising still has something to say (although advertising no longer works well, it still holds the key to some of the things that DO work... more later).
I was hooked from the start—and if you're not yet, you will be. Just check some of these post titles: These aren't lightweight posts; most are lengthy and will surely get you cogitating (if not downright inspired) with practical advice. And it does it all with a spirit of fun, enthusiasm, energy and passion.

In short, Creating Passionate Users creates passionate users. I'm certainly one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I share your madness and passion. I was hooked instantly too (and I've bought one of their books, but I'll buy two more soon :).
I'd say CPU posts are the most awaited and I get anxcious whenever Bloglines signal me that unread post waits.
Call them my favourite.

9:14 PM  

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