Thursday, March 03, 2005

In No Particular Order

Sheesh. I'm out of the office for a few days and it takes hours to catch up with doings in the UXCentricverse. Remember the days when it was difficult to find much of anything on the subject?

I could post eloquent on each of these, but in the interest of time, we'll just bullet-list them:
  • Luke Wroblewski offers a fine list of UX diagrams. Some (JJG) you've seen; others you haven't. Collect them all!

  • Rashmi Sinha discusses "tag sorting"— the use of Flickr and tags as a method of freelisting. This got me thinking: How else can tags provide insight into internal user taxonomies?

  • D. Keith Robinson discusses ways to uncomplicate the Web. How long will we keep repeating the same guidelines before we actually pay attention?

  • Do you feel a draft? Does the UXCentric campus feel a bit empty? That's because everyone has gone to the IA Summit in Montreal.
Meanwhile, I had a great time doing some guerilla usability consulting with Karon Weber (now on her own, but toting cool hashmarks from Xerox PARC and Pixar) for a company with a very WOW! product. It was something of a daylong sprint and UXCentric to the extreme. Sweet.


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